Monday, March 21, 2011

Common Core State Standards, FYI

Hello, long-suffering bloggettes.  If you have indeed read my blog this far--including the beginnings of college of education restructuring and the Standards and Lesson Planning Courses, may I invite you to read the Common Core National Standards website?

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) outline the national expected OUTCOMES of each year's education, K-12, in Language Arts. The have been approved by some states outright, some states a with 15% augmentation (additions), and rejected by at least three states.

The CCSS do not in any way mandate or even suggest the instructional path or the tools for assessment for these standards. The site gives you the documents, tells you about how the documents came about, and includes several appendices, should you wish to peruse them.

I really recommend that you read them. I know most of the document by heart. (So proud.) Then ask yourself, one by one: What tools and materials would I use to instruct a child in this standard? How would I know a child had in fact achieved that desired outcome? How many drinks would it take for me to teach a whole year of this?

Then, if you would like to, reread my Standards and Lesson Planning Course outlines.  I hope you can see why these classes are so necessary to teachers in training.

Later this week I'll post the continued suggested college training regimen. Until then, happy standards reading!

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